SAPY offers private heli tours for its customers
CUSTOMER experience has gone up a notch at SAPY with the KZN masterbatch and yarn manufacturer now offering heli tours for customers.
Since it began operations in 1995, the Hammarsdale-based company has followed a process of continuous improvement, with its latest milestone being the completion of Phase 1 of its 810 kW solar power installation on the extensive roofs of the yarn plant. Phase 2 is in the pipeline.
SAPY’s forward-thinking approach aligns with the industry’s shift towards renewable energy solutions and demonstrates the company’s dedication to environmental consideration – now measured as part of ISO standards and risk mitigation. Having alternative power options is vital because of an unpredictable power supply, even though load-shedding appears to have been suspended by Eskom. Solar installations can be amortised in definable periods, after which the nett cost of power is significantly reduced.
Visitors to SAPY’s Hammersdale plant are always impressed. However, land-based tours do not do full justice to the scope of the expansive manufacturing plant. SAPY Managing director, helicopter enthusiast and qualified pilot Dr Majid Zarrebini is now taking this customer experience to new heights (literally) with their new helicopter outings. Currently combined with a flight past Durban CBD and a short coastal flight, customers can see SAPY’s state-of-the-art facility from a bird’s eye view.
Once disembarked at the SAPY’s SACAA (South African Civil Aviation Authority)-approved private helipad, customers will see several more recent improvements.
SAPY’s masterbatch department has undergone significant expansion, with additional equipment increasing capacity for white, black and high-volume colours. The company has introduced a filler masterbatch and expanded its existing high-spec fibre grade black with three further black production lines, these being targeted at less critical non-food grade applications that still need quality and consistency. Additionally, SAPY continues to expand its colour lab, an additional R&D blown film extruder has been installed, and more R&D injection moulding machines are on their way.
The fully enclosed masterbatch manufacturing division at SAPY is certified to ISO 22000:2018 standard, which has been in place for six years.
SAPY’s staff complement has now grown to approximately 270 – more than double the 115 from a decade ago – with many being loyal, dedicated, long-serving team members who have been instrumental in driving the company’s growth.