Operation #CleanupDurban a huge success!
THE South African plastics industry has once again proved that it does not merely pay lip service when it comes to looking after the environment – it acts on its promises!
Under the guidance of Plastics|SA’s Sustainability Director, Douw Steyn, supported by the KZN Marine Waste Network and various other organisations and institutions, more than 300 tons of litter was removed from the Durban Harbour after plastic waste and debris washed up on its shoreline as a result of torrential rains in April. A chain of clean-up operations also took place along eManzimtoti, Beachwood Mangroves, uMngeni river mouth and various other beaches.
“The amount of litter that we found clogging the coastline before we started our cleanup operations, was staggering,” Steyn said, adding that the pollution could be seen floating along the coastline for several kilometres.
“It was very sad to see so much rubbish on the beaches coming from the rivers. The worst is that 99% of the plastic items we picked up were recyclable items,” Steyn added.
“There is still a lot of work that needs to be done, but we have helped to make a major difference and prevented what could potentially have been an even worse environmental disaster.
The success of these cleanup operations would have been impossible without the assistance of all the volunteers who freely gave up their time to help pick up thousands of pieces of litter by hand, corporates such as Safripol and Alpha Plast who made generous donations to help support our efforts, government organisations and community bodies who showed up on various days and at various locations. We have proved what amazing feats can be accomplished through team work and dedication. Thank you to all!” Steyn concluded.